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Recently we find that the studies of skills in social work are on the increase. But we have not much knowledge about it which has important, essential impact in social wroker' s activities. To practice social work effectively, social worker needs generic / spesific knowledge and mastery of interventions and values. He or she selects useful knowledge and intervention, being guided values of clients and professional values. Then under the contract between a client / clients and social worker, he or she prorvides social services to people and improves their life situation, changes systems / environments of them, understanding causes and backgrounds of their life problems. But guided values and knowledge, slills of social worker function these whole processes of practicing. In this meaning, skill is a central part of social work pracice. We recognize that social work skill depends on social worker's abilities and aciviteis as a profession, also we need to develop a unique whole system of skills in our ptactice. In this paper, we disscuss and analyze, make it clearly from reviewing some research of the pioneers ; (1) what social wrok skill means, (2) what and how position and function of skills in social work practice are, (3) what role of skill is, in case of sescientific practice and creating scietific social wrok with an uniqeness, also (4) what and how relation of a speciality of social work uniqueness (the nature of social work) and skill is, etc.. There, we find several important points and tasks about research of them. There is deferential part in use of term and difintion of skill between pioneers. But the term and defintion of social work skill is very important. They symbolize whole social wrok idntity (uniqueness), especially professional identity, and scientific identity and originality, social meaning of itself. Additioning to say, there are somoe discreminations of concepts and construcions of skills of each pioneers, some are clear and elaborate, some are loose, unclear and limitted. Those indicate it's unmatured level of study. So we need more research of social work skill and must relate it to methodological perspectives under the uniqueness and originality of social work. Finally, We suggest more ideas of how to research skill. Especially we streess that we build up and refine feedback-loop procseess system of research of skill ; "Teaching knowledge, values, skills-Learning-Scientific Practice-Analyzing / verifying-Scientific Aproach of Doing / Practicing (Creating / Recreating and Constructing / Reconstructing new knowledge, values, skills)-Teaching...".
- 一般社団法人日本社会福祉学会の論文
- 1999-06-30
平塚 良子
牧 洋子
岡本 民夫
平塚 良子
戸塚 法子
久保 美紀
木原 活信
信川 美樹
日根野 健
空閑 浩人
藤野 好美
木原 活信
藤野 好美
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