- 論文の詳細を見る
Market principles are gradually introduced in the provision of residential and community care services for old people towards 2000 when Social Care Insurance Scheme will be implemented, and commercial sector will begin to provide care services under the new scheme. Because of the changes in the field of services for old people, the services for other client groups, such as children and disabled people, came under review. It was in this context that the government committees recently made recommendations concerning the reform of services for disabled people. The present study reviews these official recommendations from the perspective of the rights of disabled people which are divided into three dimensions, that is, basic human rights, the rights to participation and the rights to choice. It is argued that while aiming at enabling disabled people to choose their services the government is reluctant to legislate an anti-discrimination law which promotes the rights to participation. The study explores the criticisms of the anti-discrimination law both in the government and the disability political lobby, and discovers that those criticisms are largely based on the misunderstandings of the American anti-discrimination law. The study concludes that it is impossible to establish the rights-based service provision without the legal recognition of the citizenship of disabled people.
- 一般社団法人日本社会福祉学会の論文
- 1999-01-20
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