- 論文の詳細を見る
The paper aims to clarify the meaning of the term "Normalisation" which tends to be equated with many other terms, such as, "Integration", "Deinstitutionalisation", "Community Care" and "Independent Living". Firstly, the original idea of Normalisation will be identified in the Scandinavian policy context. It will be shown that the idea of Nromalisation had initially been evolved not in terms of community services but residential services, particularly in the context of the anti-eugenics movements in the post-war Scandinavian countries. Secondly, it will be suggested that Wolfensberger reformed that original idea of Normalisation in order to apply the normalisation principle into the American context of the services for the disabled. As a result, the idea of Normalisation superficially merged in the American ideas of "Anti-Institution", "Deinstitutionalization" and "Community Services". However, essentially, Wolfensberger's concepts of Normalisation, too, seem to remain as the institution-based model.
- 一般社団法人日本社会福祉学会の論文
- 1992-10-15
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