イギリス社会福祉学における制度的再分配論のゆくえ : 「相対的貧困」「剥奪」「社会的公正」
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The institutional redistribution model of welfare has been one of the principles of the British Welfare State. However, the current socio-political situation in Britain, as well as in any other western countries, seems to jeopardize its ideological grounds, such as, the ideas of socialism and egalitarianism. The study asks whether or not the institutional redistribution model can survive through the current international crisis of socialism. The study will examine in the historical context of British social policy three main concepts of the institutional redistribution model, that is, 'relative poverty', 'deprivation', and 'socialjustice and positive discrimination'. Firstly, it will be shown that in Britain the idea of relative poverty can be justified only by the idea of absolute poverty. Secondly, the idea of deprivation was originally neither a subjective nor a relative concept but an objective and absolute one. Finally, the idea of social justice and the policy principle of positive discrimination are theorised and justified not in terms of needs but the universalist principle of service provisions. As a conclusion, the institutional redistribution model in the British 'Welfare State' is not so much the product of socialist and egalitarian ideology as the product of the long standing tradition of British social policy. In that sense, the institutional redistribution model will survive through the current ideological crisis.
- 一般社団法人日本社会福祉学会の論文
- 1991-10-15
- 海外における地域移行支援の取り組みと日本への示唆(基調講演,学会フォーラム:地域移行支援の現状と課題)
- 高林秀明著, 障害者・家族の生活問題:社会福祉の取り組む課題とは, ミネルヴァ書房, 判型:A5判, 総頁数:248頁, 発行年:2008, 定価 本体2,500円+税
- 後藤吉彦著『身体の社会学のブレークスルー : 差異の政治から普遍性の政治へ』
- 障害学 : 理論形成と射程(書評りぷらい)
- 障害者福祉改革と権利保障
- 「ノーマライゼーション」の初期概念とその変容(日本社会福祉学会第40回大会記念特集号)
- イギリス社会福祉学における制度的再分配論のゆくえ : 「相対的貧困」「剥奪」「社会的公正」