児童を対象にした食育推進への提言 : 英国におけるFood in Schools ProgrammeおよびHealthier Cookery Clubsからの検討
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Activities of the Food in Schools Programme in England and Healthier Cookery Clubs, the cookery sector of the Programme, were examined to make suggestions for the promotion of nutrition education for children focusing on cooking in Japan. The Food in Schools Programme which is promoted jointly by the Department of Health and the Department for Education & Skills and the Programme developed coursework-related models to promote cross-sectional learning with a focus on participatory learning for children in the low and middle grades. The "5 A DAY" program is used in the guidance for the Healthier Cookery Clubs. Based on this study's findings, I propose to improve the concreteness and integrity of the support system and to promote education based on an intensive main learning program for the promotion of nutrition education in Japan.
- 日本家庭科教育学会の論文
- 2008-04-01
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- 児童を対象にした食育推進への提言 : 英国におけるFood in Schools ProgrammeおよびHealthier Cookery Clubsからの検討
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