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In this report, the experimental results of a full scale test on a 372,700 DWT oil tanker are described of the structural behavior under statically loaded conditions. Extensive measurements are made on the deformations of the ship's hull and the transverse ring in addition to the stress distributions at totally 595 measuring points, including deck and bottom transverses, vertical webs and struts, swash bulkhead in cargo oil tank. Local stress measurements are also made on the slots of the web of bottom transverses, vertical web at the end of strut and on the web pannels at the round corner of the bottom transverse. Also described is a comparison of the test results with the theoretical findings by the structural analysis with use of computer programmes based on the finite element method for three-dimensional frame works, plane members and shell structures. It is concluded from this investigation that the deformations of the transverse rings and the relative deflections of wing tanks as well as the stress distributions in the above-mentioned structural components of oil tankers can be well predicted by these computer programmes within a satisfactory accuracy for practical design purpose.
- 財団法人日本海事協会の論文
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