日本語学習者における特殊拍生成時の音響学的特性 : 英語・中国語母語話者の時間的調整を中心として
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Phonetically, Japanese is a mora-timed language which is very different from the majority of languages. Many learners of Japanese as a second language have difficulty producing the special mora phoneme. Our initial research task was to describe the acoustical phonetic features of special mora as produced by non-native Japanese learners, in the hope of establishing in the future a training method for special mora phoneme pronunciation for non-native learners of Japanese language. In particular, this paper reviews our data on the geminate consonant and elongated vowel produced by English and Chinese native speakers. We observed features of temporal coordination during native Japanese speakers word production taking measurements of the geminate consonants and elongated vowels and compared these measurements with data from the nonnative speakers. Subjects pronounced sets of words (minimal pairs differing in geminate and non-geminate consonant, and minimal pairing words with elongated vowels and non-elongated vowels) and compared the rate of change in the length of the stop gap and the vowel duration produced by speakers of differing native language backgrounds. Our results indicated that the stop gap produced by English native speakers was significantly extended in comparison to the stop produced by native Japanese speakers, while the duration of elongated vowels were less extended than the native speakers. The stop gap produced by Chinese native speakers was less than the stop gap of native Japanese speakers.
スナイダー スティーブン
九州保健福祉大学社会福祉学部 福祉環境マネジメント学科
太田 栄次
苅安 誠
苅安 誠
スナイダー スティーブン
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