日本語と英語・中国語との音声学的特徴と相違点 : 第二言語学習の壁を理解するために
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To understand phonetic features and notable differences among three languages (Japanese, English, and Chinese), segmental and supra-segmental characteristics of each language are described, and such phonetic features of Japanese and other language were compared. A review of the literature revealed that some phonetic features are not shared between Japanese and other languages. Notable phonetic characteristics of Japanese include a long vowel, a moraic form of voiceless obstruents occurring as the first part of geminates, a moraic nasal /N/, and high-low pitch accent on words. In contrast, no long (two morae) vowels, no moraic form of obstruents, but loudness control for stress on words are observed in English. For Chinese, stops are produced with aspirated and non-aspirated while stops are made with voiced and voiceless contrasts in Japanese; thus, perceptual and production confusion for foreign-language learners are often seen in these aspects. It is hypothesized that speakers use knowledge and skills of their own mother tongue for the perception and production of second languages.
- 九州保健福祉大学の論文
- 2007-03-25
太田 栄次
苅安 誠
スナイダー スティーブン
苅安 誠
Graduate Program in Health Sciences, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
太田 栄次
Faculty of Health Sciences, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
スナイダー スティーブン
Faculty of Social Welfare, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
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