精神看護学臨地実習で対象者と共有する看護計画 : 学生の意識調査の結果を分析する
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It is the most suitable to practice clinical for learning informed consent and information disclosurein nursing in a basic education of nursing. We execute the questionnaire survey to the student whoends the practice of psychiatric nursing, and the following has been understood. 1) The studentrequests the subjectivity from the patient with the time passage. He notices the importance of doingthe experience where the patient doesn't move according to his plan, and the independent action ofthe patient. 2) The depolarization to making his nursing care plan with the patient is graduallyreduced. He comes to catch the patient as man who has the potential for growth by repeating selfcare help for him. 3). It is thought that the student's being able to grow up to "Subject that doesSANKAKU" of the SAKAKU Theory because of the conference in the practice place greatlyinfluences this result.
- 2008-03-10
内藤 守
五十嵐 愛子
斎藤 まさ子
斎藤 まさ子
新潟青陵大学 看護福祉心理学部看護学科
五十嵐 愛子
内藤 守[他]
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