ヒト胃癌の組織化学的研究 : 胃癌細胞膜コンカナバリンA結合部位の変化について
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Surgically resected cancerous tissue of 54 human gastric cancers and gastric mucosa of 18 noncancerous cases were histologically and histochemically studied by use of fluorescein isothiocyanate-Iabelled concanavalin A (FITC-con A) staining and concanavalin A-horseradish peroxidasediaminobenzidin (con A-HRP-DAB) technique. 1. By FITC-con A staining, green fluorescence was observed in mucous neck-, pyloric- and cardiac gland acinar-cells and some portions of mucous in gastric mucosa. In intestinal metaplasias in the mucosa, positive fluorescence was observed in goblet cells, on brush border of columnar epithelium, and in some mucous. In cancerous tissues, the fluorescence was seen in the cytoplasm of goblet-like cancer cells sometimes seen in papillary adenocarcinoma and some cells of signet ring cell carcinoma. The other cells in noncancerous and cancerous tissues did not show positive fluorescence. 2. By the following recipe, the best staining was considered to be obtained. Fifty pg of con A in 1 ml of phosphate buffered saline (PBS), 20 or 50 μg of HRP in 1 ml of PBS adding bovine serum albumin (BSA) to make 0.5% concentration, and the last step being Tris buffer containing 0.05% of DAB and 0.01% of H_2O_2 were the recipe. The addition of BSA in the second step was effective in preventing nonspecific absorption of HRP to the specimen. In this condition, the author could microscopically determine the con A binding sites as fine brown granules on the specimen. 3. Regularly lined con A binding sites were generally observed on the cell membranes of surface epithelial-, mucous neck-, parietal-, pyloric- and cardiac gland acinar-cells in gastric mucosa, and of Paneth cells in the metaplasias. A large part of columnar epithelial-, goblet-, chief- and regenerative glandular-cells showed the same con A binding sites on their membranes. However, sparse con A binding sites were observed on the membrane of stem-, and a part of chief-, columnar epithelial-, goblet- and regenerative glandular-cells. 4. In cancer cells, the distribution of con A binding sites on their membranes was varied depending on each cell and also on each case. In well differentiated adenocarcinoma, however, rather regularly lined con A binding sites were observed on the cell membrane. In undifferentiated adenocarcinoma, on the other hand, unevenly distributed con A binding sites were seen with high grade of variation depending on each cell. 5. According to the pattern of con A binding sites on the cell mambrane, gastric cancer cells were classified into three types; "regularly-", "sparsely-" and "unevenly-distributed". Each of gartric cancer was classified into three types according to the predominant cell types mentioned above. Gastric cancers were also classified into three types ; "homegeneous", "varied" and "intermediate", on the basis of uniformity of the three cell types in the specimen. As for relationship between the routine microscopic growth patterns of gartric cancer and the patterns of these two classifications, many of cancers showing expanding growth pattern fell in the "regularly distributed" type and "homogeneous" type. On the other hand, many cancers showing diffusely infiltrative growth pattern fell in "unevenly" and "varied" type. This heterogeneity of the membrane of the cells of diffusely infiltrating gastric cancer might take part of pathological malignant nature of the cancer.
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