- 論文の詳細を見る
Survey was conducted in 1959 and 1960 on Pinworm infestation by the Scotch tape method or the T. M. method among the inhabitants of eight rural communities mainly along the Eiver Tenryu (Shimoina County, Nagano Prefecture and Kitashidara County, Aichi Prefecture) and Neba Village in Nagano Prefecture, 1. Annal examination conducted for five days revealed a marked difference in the rate of Pinworm infestation among the inhabitants of eight communities, the rate varying from 83.3% to 12.8%, with an average of 55.7%. 2. As divided by localities, the rate was high in Kitashidara County, Aichi Prefecture and low in Shimoina County, Nagano Prefecture. 3. As divided by the types of living, school children had the highest rate of infestation, followed by infants and children. The rates among adults and old persons were not particularly low. Those infants and children who were cared for at nurseries (or kindergartens) had a high rate of infestation. In other words, those children who act as a group (in nurseries, kindergartens or schools) had a high rate of pinworm infection, indicating that schools and nurseries (or kindergartens) are a source of infection. There was no difference in rate between men and women. 4. The rate of Pinworm infestation among all the inhabitants of Neba Village was 44.8% for one day annal examination, while the rates of infestation among the inhabitants of communities varied from 66.1 % to. 18.8 %. The observations suggest that the rate of pinworm infestation among the inhabitants of rural communities is generally high, posing an important problem for the health of the people. Our survey shows that pinworm infection tended to accumulate in a family.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1965-03-28
内田 昭夫
内田 昭夫
荒木 武雄
近藤 武男
内田 昭夫
荒木 武雄
近藤 武男
佐藤 進
岡山 虎男
内田 昭夫
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