- 論文の詳細を見る
Tests for albumin in urine (20 % Sulfosalicylic acid test method, 3 % Sulfosacylic acid test method, Albustix test paper method and No. 2 Sinotest method) as well as P.S.P. tests and ophthalmofundoscopic examination (three pictures taken in the right eye) were carried out in the inhabitants over 40 years of an agricultural village in Nagano Prefecture. Tests were conducted for over a year. The following results were obtained: 1. Examination of the irregularities in the results of tests carried out by conducting the same test independently twice in the same subject has revealed that the results of various tests tend to have a greater possibility of agreement if the so-called "false positive" cases are excluded from the positive case group. 2. Of the four methods of tests used, the 20% Sulfosalicylic acid test method had the highest incidence of positive results, followed by the 3% Sulfosalicylic acid test method and No. 2 Sinotest method which gave more or less the same results, and the Albustix test paper method in the indicated order. 3. Comparison of the results of tests for albumin in urine carried out by the four method for one year shows that the 20% Sulfosalicylic acid test method had the highest incidence of positive results, while the other three had nearly the same incidence, the No. 2 Sinotest method tending to have a slightly higher incidence than the rest of the methods. It is also shown that there was no specific tendency. in the results obtained in different seasons by the four methods. 4. Examination of the distribution of positive results for one year shows that few persons were negative throughout the year by all the methods of tests, and that no small number of persons gave positive results for all the five tests, this tendency being found even among the so-called normal blood pressure group. 5. There was no specific relation between the results of tests for albumin in urine and the results of P.S.P. tests at one period in time. Now was there any marked relation between the former and the latter during the period of one year. 6. The group of persons who had over three positive tests by one method of test for albumin in urine had a higher incidence of abnormal opthalmoscopic findings than other groups.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1965-03-28
新井 宏朋
新井 宏朋
荒木 武雄
中島 義司
柳沢 利喜雄
荒木 武雄
柳沢 利喜雄
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- 29.アメリカ鉤虫の経口感染経路に関する研究 : (第1報)マウスにN.a.感染期仔虫を経口投与した場合(第38回千葉医学会総会,第7回千葉県医師会学術大会連合大会演説要旨)
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- 高血圧管理に関する諸問題(第7報) : 第27回日本循環器学会関東・甲信越・北陸地方会総会
- 315. 集団的眼底撮影による本邦社会人の高血圧,血管硬化の疫学的研究 (第1報) (健康管理(I))
- 314. 本邦社会人の網膜血管系の形態学的研究,とくに高血圧,血管硬化に関する網膜病変の評価についての基礎研究 (第1報) (健康管理(I))
- 313. 高血圧,血管硬化の健康管理基準設定に関する研究 : (その9) 集団の循環器所見とくに血圧の推移ならびに負荷による血圧変動をめぐって (健康管理(I))
- 2.集団的眼底写真撮影,その高血圧管理への応用(一般口演抄録,第39回千葉医学会総会,第8回千葉県医師会学術大会連合大会演説要旨)
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- 高血圧管理の諸問題 (第1報) : 第17回日本循環器学会関東・甲信越地方学会総会
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- 29. 高血圧集団検診の研究(その1) : 眼底所見について(第36回千葉医学会総会,第5回千葉県医師会学術大会連合大会演説要旨)
- 30. 高血圧集団検診の研究(その2) : 眼底所見と血圧の変動との関係について(第36回千葉医学会総会,第5回千葉県医師会学術大会連合大会演説要旨)
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- ごあいさつ
- 特別発言 : 高血圧管理の為の眼底情報処理 : 高血圧・動脈硬化性疾患の管理
- 16. 切除肺病巣内結核菌の検索(第334回千葉医学会例会(河合外科教室例会))
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- 農山村における関節リウマチの実態-1・2-
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- 41.当院に於ける悪性腫瘍患者の実態(第392回千葉医学会例会,第一外科教室談話会)
- 52. 巨大空洞治療の一考察(第334回千葉医学会例会(河合外科教室例会))
- 548. 鈎虫の感染様式に関する研究 (第5報) (疫学・寄生虫・その他)
- 公衆衞生学上より観たる鉤虫Carrierの問題
- 30. 健康長壽者の生態(第31回千葉医学会,昭和29年度千葉県医師会医学会連合大会演説要旨)
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