農山村における関節リウマチの実態 : 第1報 集団検診
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I. Objects of Investigation Our programme included a total of 9,236 inhabitants (including all age groups) of six communities in a district along the River Tenryu where Aichi, Nagano and Shizuoka Prefectures meet. These six communities have been selected for this investigation from among the communities in that district based on the number of inhabitants, the altitudes at which they are located (ranging from 300 to 800 meters above sea level), and topographical conditions (communities situated in the plain, on the hill-side and in the valley). II. Method of Investigation A questionnaire was sent out to all the households in the communities under investigation, with those providing a reply accounting for 88.0%. Based on the reply to the questionnaire, the persons with complaint of pain in the extremities and trunk were selected. Of those selected, 921 persons were examined directly. The RA test and other tests were conducted, and diagnosis was made according to the Ropes's standards. III. Results of Investigation. 1. Incidence. a. Those who have pain in the extremities and trunks were: men, 12.3%, women, 15.6%; and altogether, 14.3%. b. Those who had articular rheumatism of above possible RA were: men, 0.46%; women, 1.42%; and altogether, 0.95%. The incidences found are lower than in the U. S. A. and some West European countries. They are lower than in rural communities in the Tokyo metropolitan area, including Oshima, but higher than in Yoshiwara City were the incidence was 0.6%. 2. Incidence by Age The number of persons having pain in the extremities and trunk showed a tendency to increase with age both in men and women. There was, however, a marked difference in the incidence of articular rheumatism, the incidence being particularly high among women over 60 years. On the other hand, many women in the age groups of twenties and fifties were hospitalized for treatment. The results seem to indicate that there is a tendency among older women to neglect treatment. 3. Incidence in Relation to Occupational Factors a. Farming households had a higher incidence of articular rheumatism than non-farming households, the incidence among the former being 1.4% and the incidence among the latter being 0.3%. b. Persons who have pain were divided into groups by the area of land they cultivate which can be taken as an index of the amount of labor. The results show that those who cultivate a land ranging from 2.0 to 3.5 Tan had the highest incidence. There was no difference of significance between the incidence of pain and the incidence of articular rheumatism among persons as divided by the area of land they cultivate. c. There was no difference of significance in the incidences of pain in the extremities and trunk and articular rheumatism between persons who are engaged in sericulture and persons who are not. IV. Incidence in Relation to Topographical Factors a. Of persons living in communities located in the plain, on the hill, on the mountain-side and in the valley, those living in communities in the valley had the highest incidence of articular rheumatism which was 2.0%. There was little difference in the incidence of pain in the extremities and trunk between persons livingtin the four localities mentioned above. b. Incidence in Relation to Environmental Factors. Various environmental factors were found to have no influence of significance on the incidence of articular rheumatism.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1965-03-28
原 久弥
朝岡 威親
荒木 武雄
朝岡 威親
原田 経国
内田 昭夫
原 久弥
内田 昭夫
荒木 武雄
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