- 論文の詳細を見る
As the incidence of lung cancer has risen recently, the question of abnormal shadows of nontubercular origin in chest roentgenograms (to be referred to as abnormal shadows) has come to occupy increasing amount of attention of all concerned. There has, hawever, been no report as yet on a work that has dealt with this question on a scale anything like making all the inhabitants of some community as the object of investigations. On the occasion of mass examinations to detect tuberculous persons among the inhabitants of a certain mountain village in Chiba Prefecture, we have had an opportunity of conducting a controlled study of all the inhabitants for the purpose of obtaining data on the incidence and nature of abnormal shadows. For various reasons, the number of persons examined were 5,293, representing 96.9% of the population of 5,463. The findings are summarized as follows : (1) Abnormal shadows were found in 38 persons (0.7 %), as compared with 78 persons (1.5 %) having pulmonary tuberculosis-a rate worthy of attention. (2) More women had abnormal shadows than men, the former being 23 (0.8%) and the latter being 15 (0.6%) in number. The age distribution of abnormal shadows shows that they are rarely found in infancy and adolescence, but are frequently detected among grownups and older persons. The incidence was particularly high within the age group of over 70-6.6% of all the persons belonging to that age grounp were found to have abnormal shadows. This observation suggests that one has to be careful in reading chest roentgenograms of persons in advanced age and refrain from hastily diagnosing abnormal shadows as of tubercular origin. (3) The 38 persons having abnormal shadows were culinically divided into the following groups: 18 with bronchiectasis, 7 with abnormal shadows in the pleura, 6 with the lung cysts (both the blebs and bullas), 3 with sequelase of pneumonia, 2 with pulmonary abscess and 2 with pulmonary tumors (1 with malignant tumor which might possibly be cancerous). (4) In view of the fact that 27 out of the 38 persons with abnormal shadows had negative tubrculin tests, we are convinced that tuberculin tests are of great value in differential diagnosis of abnormal shadows. If perons having shadows in chest roentgenograms arams are found to be negative for tuberculin tests, tuberculosis may be ruled out. (5) Of the 38 persons having abnormal shadows, 27 had some subjective symptoms, such as cough, expectoration, etc. Three of them had erroneously been diagnosed as tuberculous and had received chemotherapy.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1958-07-28
原 恒男
北条 龍彦
斎藤 広
森本 武志
北条 龍彦
郡司 昭男
佐久間 光史
森本 武志
郡司 昭男
郡司 昭男
佐久間 光史
佐久間 光史
原 恒男
高沢 五郎
宮崎 隆次
海保 敬一
永峰 文治
海保 敬一
宮崎 隆次
高沢 五郎
高沢 五郎
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