- 論文の詳細を見る
A survey was made of tuberculous infection among the inhabitants of Goimachi, Chiba Prefecture on a long term basis. The program included nearly all the inhabitants of the town amounting to 12,000, and was continued for 10 years from 1947 to 1956. In conncection with the program, the author studied tuberculin allergy in individuals having examinations, and obtained the following results : (1) The ratio of BCG non-vaccinated tuberculin-positive individulas converting to tuberculin-negative status to all BCG non-vaccinated tuberculin positive individuals ranged from 2.4% to 5.4 % every year. The conversion rate was high among both younger and older age groups. Many of these convertors had been weakly tuberculin-positive in the initial tests. (2) Of the individuals converting from tuberculin-positive to tuberculin-negative status who had been followed for a long period (over 5 years), less than half was determined to have completely converted to tuberculin-negative status. All the individuals in whom roentgenograms revealed pulmonary involvement at the time of conversion from tuberculin-positive to tuberculin-negative status, or a year before or after that, were found to have cured tuberculous lesions. (3) The rate of conversion from tuberculin-negative to tuberculin-positive status in one year following BCG vaccination was slightly higher in females than in males, low in a age group 0-9 years, but markedly high in age groups over 10-19 years. Conversion from tuberculin-positive to tuberculin-negative status after having acquired sensitivity to tuberculin occurred in comparatively larger percentages soon after acquisition of sensitivity than in any other period (after 1 year, 20.8 %; after 3 years (cumulatively), 49.4 % ; after 8 years (cumulatively), 78.6 %). The conversion occurred less often among those who had given strongly positive reactions to tuberculin tests when they acquired sensitivity to tuberculin, and more often among those who had received BCG vaccination when they were less than 9 years old. (4) Repeated BCG vaccination carried out for over 3 times did not result in the rise in the rate of conversion from tuberculin-negative to tuberculin-positive status, but rather tended to lower it. The greater the number of times of BCG vaccination, the higher was the rate of conversion from tuberculin-positive to tuberculin-negaive status after having acquired sensitivity to tuberculin. (5) Individuals who did not easily acquire sensitivity to tuberculin in spite of repeated BCG vaccination were found more often in an age group 0-9 years than in any other age groups. They were slightly larger in number among males than among females. Quite a small number of them had pulmonary involvement. (6) Of 10,764 persons surveyed under our program, 621 had pulmonary involvement. Of the 621 persons, 7 (1.1 %) gave doubtful positive tuberculin reactions and 8 (1.3 %) did not react to tuberculin tests at the time tuberculous lesions were detected in their lungs. When those who were either negatively anergic, positively anergic or transiently anergic were excluded, none of those who did not react to tuberculin tests had pulmonary tuberculosis which might require medical treatment.
- 千葉大学の論文
- 1958-11-28
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