- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between ' Hope', 'Self-Esteem,' and 'Basic-Trust' in children living in child institutions. Using questionnaires and interviews, data were collected from 242 elementary school children, including 42 children from child institutions. Three kinds of questionnaires were used in order to measure their psychological consciousness: ' Hope,' 'Self Esteem,' and ' Basic trust.' The results were as follows. (1)'Hope' was most influenced by 'Self-Esteem' in the children who living in child institutions and home-care-children (2)Children living in child institutions were more interested in 'rich' and 'comfortable' lives in the future than the home-care children.
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- 発達障がい児・者とその保護者への支援
- 発達障がい児・者とその保護者への支援(準備委員会企画シンポジウム4)