心理劇におけるウォーミングアップ様式とウォーミングアップ体験との関係性について : ウォーミングアップ前後の参加者の状態の変化の視点から
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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between the warming-up styles and the warming-up experience in psychodrama. Participants were requested to check their mental state before and after the psychodrama session. Sessions were carried out using one of three warming-up styles: “talking-oriented style”, “action-oriented style” , and the application of “dohsa-hou (a Japanese method of psychological rehabilitation)”. Results indicated that all factors in the warming-up experience (familiarity, mental activation, motivations to the drama, and feeling relaxed) increased significantly after each session. ANOVA and ANCOVA showed that “action-oriented style” was more related to familiarity, mental activation, and motivations to the drama, and that “dohsa-hou” was more related to feeling relaxed. Discussions were carried out from the commonality and the difference of warming-up styles.
- 2001-03-31
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