共同研究 宮城県近代学校体育成立史の研究(I) : 明治期の宮城県における学校体育の成立と展開
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In the early Meiji Period, When Japan set out on the road to the modernization, all of the nation's culture and educational leaders considered nation building and character building to be one and the same thing as a like Europe and America. In the educational Act of 1872-called "Gakusei," public school were established throught Japan. The process of the modernization of education in Japan may be traced both through the process of the organization of elementary school and through the westernization of the curricula, teaching method, etc. of the schools. Just at this time the school physical Education in Japan had begun. The object of this report (I) is to make analysis the process of the establishment of the modern school physical Education in the Meiji Period, based on the historial materals owned by Miyagi Prefecture. The contents are as follows; Preface I. The establishment of Modern school in Miyagi Prefecture, II. Military training in Sendai-Han School in the Edo era. III. Development of school Physical Education at Meiji period. IV. Begining of Athletic meeting at Miyagi Prefecture.
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