超丹波帯,丹波帯および舞鶴帯のペルム-三畳系砂岩 : モード組成とその比較
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Permo-Triassic sandstones from the Ultra-Tamba Zone and the Maizuru Belt, and sandstones with corresponding lithology from the Tamba Belt were analyzed for those modal compositions. In the Tamba Belt, some sandstones lying on the uppermost unit (TIIc) of the Tamba Group, are very similar to the Hikami Formation of the Ultra-Tamba Zone in those lithology and age. They compose a tectonic unit together with the Takashiroyama Formation, the Ajima Formation and the lower Cretaceous Sasayama Group. Sandstone of the Takashiroyama Formation closely resembles to that of upper Triassic Nabae Group in the Maizuru Belt. Thus, this distinctive unit belongs to the Triassic accretionary terranes rather than those of Jurassics. Another type of sandstones are also recognized in the synform regions of the Tamba Belt. They are accompanied with the sandy shales yielding the late Triassic fossil remains, and differentiated from the adjacent sandstone of the Type TIIc, early Jurassic in age. Therefore, this type of sandstone formation may constitute the Tlld unit of the Tamba Belt. As for the Ultra-Tamba Zone, the sandstone of the Oi Formation (Uppermost Permian) has intermediate composition between those of the Maizuru Group (upper Permian) and the Yakuno Group (lower Triassic) in the Maizuru Belt, and resembles to both of them. Sandstone of the Hikami Formation (upper Permian) is quiet different from those of the Oi Formation and the Maizuru Belt.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1990-01-25
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