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Background of the Research ATI (aptitude-treatment interaction) and TTTI (trait-treatment-task interaction) are relatively new concepts in educational research. In the field of educational technology, ATI and TTTI have been studied in research on media. Formerly, media comparison study between one media and another was the center of media research. However, after realizing that the effect of media cannot be studied properly without taking in account learners' aptitudes, media researchers have turned their concern to ATI study considering aptitudes, and to TTTI study including learning tasks. This tendency is also found in research on foreign language teaching methodology. Research has developed from former studies comparing different methods into studies investigating learners' aptitudes for foreign language learning. This shows the new trend of research to examine the effect of one method, while considering learners' aptitudes. However, few ATI studies in foreign language teaching have been conducted so far: ATI study has just begun. On the review of research, the present study examines the effect of foreign language teaching methods on the idea of ATI. In foreign language teaching, there are two main theories: the cognitive-code learning theory and the audio-lingual habit theory. This study examines the effect of a deductive approach and an inductive approach in the presentation method based on these two theories. Learners' intelligence, cognitive style (field independence-dependence), and foreign language ability are selected as aptitudes to study. The relationship between teaching methods using a deductive approach and an inductive approach and learners' aptitudes is to be studied. Learning tasks are participal phrases and prepositions. To conduct two studies with different learning tasks is based on the idea of TTTI. Purpose of the Research The objective of this study is to examine the interaction between two methods (a deductive approach and an inductive approach) in foreign language teaching and learners' aptitudes. With this objective, the following hypotheses were formulated. hypothesis 1: The effectiveness of two methods (a deductive approach and an inductive approach) are different. hypothesis 2: There is an interaction between two methods (a deductive approach and an inductive approach) and learners' intelligence. hypothesis 3: There is an interaction between two methods (a deductive approach and an inductive approach) and learners' cognitive style (field independence-dependence). hypothesis 4: There is an interaction between two methods (a deductive approach and an inductive approach) and learners' foreign language ability. Method of the Research The subjects in experiment 1 and in experiment 2 are 1st grade students in different high schools. English participal phrases in experiment 1 and English prepositions in experiment 2 were studied in deductive versions and inductive versions of printed materials. The lesson in each experiment consisted of a pre-test, a study in printed materials, a post-test, and later a retention-test. Intelligence was assessed by one part of the Intelligence Test (the verbal part). Field-independence-dependence was assessed by EFT, and foreign language ability was assessed by school grade scores in English and the pre-test. Result of the Research Hypothesis 4 was supported in experiment 1. Hypothesis 1 and half of hypothesis 4 were supported in experiment 2. In the study of participal phrases, the two methods (deductive and inductive) made no significant difference in achievement. However, an interaction was found: A deductive approach was favorable to learners with high foreign language ability, and an inductive approach was favorable to learners with low foreign language ability. In the study of prepositions, a deductive approach was generally more effective than an inductive one. No definite interaction between methods and foreign language ability was found. Discussion of the Research Results indicate that the effectiveness of deductive and inductive approaches in foreign language learning should be considered with learners' aptitudes and learning tasks. To determine what aptitude has interaction with teaching method in what learning task, ATI and TTTI study is essential in future research on foreign language teaching methodology.
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