- 論文の詳細を見る
Charles E. Coughlin was born in Canada in 1989 as a son of an Irish immigrant. He was raised in a very religious family and became a priest when he was 24 years old just after the graduation of the university. When he became 26, he was given a mission to establish a parish in Royal Oak, the suburb of Detroit, and constructed there the Shrine of the Little Flower. It was keenly necessary to increase the number of the church members in order to raise the funds for the construction of the church. Since Coughlin felt it almost impossible to secure the necessary number of Catholics within the parish, he thought of using radio program which could approach bigger audience at one time. In October 1926, from WJR, a radio station in Detroit, he started to broadcast his message to the audience. As his program became popular, the number of radio station which broadcast his program also increased. With the Great Depression in 1929, Coughlin started to give political comments in public and, by so doing, his name became widely known throughout the country. He supported Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal. It was said, and believed, that his program caught an audience of several 10 millions. As the number of his adherents increased, his political ambition came out. His relations with F.D. Roosevelt was broken off. He established the "National Union for Social Justice". This was a political organization which strongly reflected the Coughlin's political thought. Further, in conjunction with the "Share-the-Wealth" plan by Huey Long and "Townsend Plan" by Francis Townsend, he formed a political party named as "the Union Party". They sent a candidate for the President but was completely beaten. After the presidential election, he had begun to exhibit obvious anti-Semitism standpoint. However, with the outbreak of the World War II, his activities quickly came to an end.
- 放送大学の論文
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