「中学・高校のやり直し」ではないレメディアル教育 : 本学での英語教育の実践から
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Remedial English classes are considered necessary at many universities and colleges, but for students who were not successful at their first and second tries, relearning the very basics for a third time can be extremely painful. This paper suggests a few innovative ways to ease the pain and make the process even enjoyable. The author describes three different classes that she has taught for mainly the first-year students at TPU. The first is a film-based listening class, where the students listen to, and then write a summary of, the instructor's narratives based on the visual images of the film. The second is a reading class, where the students summarize the content of the text they have read in the form of a PowerPoint slide. The third is a controlled speaking class, in which the students orally present a given text in front of other students as if they were presenting a paper, and then handle questions and answers. The author argues that all of these classes effectively help the students improve their basic skills and have them implicitly relearn or review some of the basic grammar and vocabulary at the same time
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