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The effects of birth order and sex on the cognition of sibling relationships and self-evaluation were examined. Participants were 179 (82 male, 97 female) public elementary school children, 99 (51 male, 48 female) public junior high school children, 58 (19 male, 39 female) high school students, and 75 (30 male, 45 female) national university students. Questionnaires were administered to these participants who had only one other sibling in the family. Participants responded to some items related to their sibling relationships and the following questions: "How successful are you compared to your brother/sister in the following things: getting possessions, abilities/skills, popularity, appearance, helping with the household chores, getting good grades?" Each participant rated these items on 5-point rating scales (1: my sibling is far more successful 〜 5:1 am far more successful). In addition, in order to measure relevance (the extent to which the other's performance is relevant to one's self-definition), each participant was asked to identify and rank those things that were the two most important and the two least important. The results showed that high school students and university students perceived their sibling relationships more positively than elementary school children and junior high school children. Female respondents perceived their sibling relationships more positively than male respondents. First-born respondents rated themselves better than their siblings both on highly self-relevant areas and on less self-relevant areas. Second-born respondents perceived themselves more negatively both on highly self-relevant areas and on less self-relevant areas. Implications of these results are discussed.
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