教育効果特定の手がかりを求めて : 薬物依存離脱指導の観察と受講者インタヴューから
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In a Japanese female prison, an educational program to help inmates with drug rehabilitation was started in 2006. Two courses held in the Summer and Fall of 2006 were observed, and inmates/students and teachers were interviewed in order to evaluate the program. Among the students who took the courses, which were designed to help them in their addiction recovery process, four levels of anxiety and conflict were specified. The first level of conflict concerns whether they should quit using drugs. The second level is concerned with their eagerness and motivation for drug rehabilitation. The third level of anxiety deals with whether they are going to succeed in their addiction recovery. The fourth level is concerned with their eagerness and motivation to participate in the program. Almost all students showed eagerness to quit using drugs, while some of them were worried because they had already tried and failed. The second of the two courses we observed, which was heavily informed by cognitive-behavioral therapy, placed more emphasis on how to prepare inmates for critical relapse situations that may occur after they leave the prison. It seems that the students in the second course demonstrated a higher confidence levels in the future success of their drug rehabilitation process than those in the first course. Many effects of the program were observed. Student A said that she had learned some biological mechanisms of drug effects, and recognized herself as truly dependent on drugs. Listening to the other students talk about their drug use experiences, student A found that most of the others had similar problems. The program provided time and resources for inmates to think about how their addiction recovery process would continue after their release from prison. Toward the end of the program, student A felt that she was ready to battle her drug addiction. She also wanted to share her experiences and help other drug users recover as well. The words and expressions the inmates used describing "change" were categorized into four types. The first group consists of expressions using the intransitive and transitive verb "kawaru/kaeru" (to change). The second group is made up of phrases describing situations after the change using verbs other than "to change." The phrases in the third group express the two situations before and after the transformation using the verb "chigau" (to be different/to vary). The fourth way of describing this transformation was to describe the situation before the change. Correctional officers who taught the courses thought students A and B got the essential message of the program, while student C did not. Student C kept saying she would be all right and would quit using drugs because she hated life in prison so much. She did not imagine that she would encounter "critical situations" in which she may be in danger of feeling the need to use drugs again. While student C was a first time prisoner, students A and B were in prison for two or more times. Their past failed attempts of weaning themselves from drugs loomed large. However, through this program, they learned skills to deal with "critical situations," resulting in a rise in their confidence levels. In conclusion, this analysis of observational and interview data has revealed some possible aspects of program effects. Without hard evidence of subsequent offenses by inmates who participated in this program, this detailed analysis of class interaction and interview discourses consist in a promising data source for program evaluation.
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