Identity and Social Structure : Two Socialization Practices in Japanese Schools
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One perspective on the notion of society is to claim that it is sustained by numerous organized fragments of interaction. National character studies assume that "every culture has a typical personality which is characteristic and distinctive of that culture" (Singer 1961). The concept of "national character" is attractive for the investigation of the relationships between society and individuals, but is also too abstract and difficult to study empirically. One way to see culture in everyday behavior is by following Goodenough's formulation (1957) that "a [group's] culture consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members, and do so in any role that they accept for any one of themselves." Instead of national character, the concept of identity can be a resource for mediating between social structure and behavior. Identity can be conceptualized as a function of face-to-face interaction vis-a-vis the test of relentless challenge. When a person has successfully managed to sustain continuity through the challenges, s/he will feel competent as a member of a cultural setting. I propose to pursue.the formation of identity in individuals by examining aspects of socialization/development. Can a notion like "national character" be inferred from the behavior of children? Japanese children returning to their country after a long absence provide data for the comparative study of the socialization/development aspects of identity and how this notion becomes a mirror for understanding social structure at the level of everyday life.
- 成城大学の論文
- 2005-01-25
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