2 抗腫瘍性抗生物質echinomycinの酵素的全合成(口頭発表の部)
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Nonribosomal peptides (NRPs) comprise many pharmacologically important natural products that display a wide range of interesting biological activities, such as antibiotic (vancomycin), antitumorgenic (bleomycin A2) and immunosuppressive (cyclosporin A) activities. These compounds are produced by various organisms but often with poor yields. Our interest in studying the NRP biosynthesis stems from the potential for engineering the biosynthetic pathways for efficient, versatile production of NRPs and their rationally redesigned analogs. Echinomycin is a NRP secondary metabolite from Streptomyces lasaliensis that belongs to the large family of quinoxaline antibiotic/anticancer natural products. The members of this class of compounds have bicyclic aromatic quinoxaline chromophores attached to the C_2 symmetric cyclic peptide core structure. Isolation and sequencing of the entire Ecm biosynthetic gene cluster has been accomplished. Eight genes (ecm2-4, 8, 11-14) are predicted to be involved in the biosynthesis of quinoxaline-2-carboxylic acid (QC), while five genes (ecm1, 6, 7, 17, 18) are thought to be responsible for the peptide backbone formation and modifications. The aryl carrier protein (ArCP) required for the incorporation of QC into echinomycin is absent from this cluster. Instead, fatty acid synthase acyl carrier protein (FabC) appears to substitute for the echinomycin ArCP, as previously reported for the related triostin A biosynthetic pathway. Subsequently, the echinomycin biosynthetic genes (ecm1-4, 6-8, 11-14, 16-18 and fabC) and sfp, whose translational product is required for phosphopantetheinylation of heterologous acyl carrier proteins in E. coli, were introduced to E. coli to generate a strain capable of echinomycin biosynthesis from simple carbon and nitrogen sources. This is the first report of biosynthesis of biological active form of heterologous NRPs in E. coli. Because of the fast growth rate and ease of maintenance and manipulations of E. coli, this NRP production scheme should serve as foundation toward establishing a general biosynthetic system for economic and flexible production of peptide natural products and their analogs.
- 2005-09-15
渡辺 賢二
堀田 欣哉
Praseuth Alex
纐纈 健人
右田 章
大栗 博毅
Boddy Christopher
Wang Clay
及川 英秋
Wang Clay
大栗 博毅
及川 英秋
及川 英秋
大栗 博毅
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