67(P-49) 糖質由来シクロヘキセノールを利用したVittatine並びにFumagillolの全合成(ポスター発表の部)
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Ferrier's carbocyclization reaction is a most powerful method for construction of chiral cyclohexenols from carbohydrates. If one can transfer the C-O chirality in cyclohexenols derived from carbohydrates into stereogenic C-C bond formation, versatile chiral building blocks which are useful for synthesis of structurally complicated natural products, would be readily prepared. Herein we report the total synthesis of an Amaryllidaceae alkaloid (+)-vittatine (1), and a sesquiterpene, (-)-fumagillol (3), both starting from D-glucose based on the strategy described above. 1. Total synthesis of (+)-vittatine (1) A cyclohexane unit in (1) was prepared by Ferrier's carbocyclization reaction in an optically active form. Addition of a catechol moiety by Grignard reaction followed by allylic oxidation gave (12), whose stereoselective reduction gave (13). Claisen rearrangement of (13) successfully constructed the quaternary carbon of vittatine. Introduction of a nitrogen function followed by intramolecular aminomercuration generated the perhydroindole skeleton (17). Finally, Pictet-Spengler reaction of (18) completed the total synthesis of (+)-vittatine (1). 2. Total synthesis of (-)-furnagillol (3) The chiral cyclohexenol (22) was prepared stereoselectively from D-glucose by the combination of Ferrier's carbocyclization reaction and reduction. Stereoselective introduction of a carbon side-chain was accomplished by Claisen rearrangement via chirality transfer. Subsequent saponification of ester (25) afford cis-lactone (26) with the desired cis-diol moiety. Elongation of the side-chain by Wittig reaction and Stille coupling, followed by Corey-Chaykovsky epoxide formation and vanadium-catalyzed epoxidation of homoallyl alcohol furnished the (-)-fumagillol (3).
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2003-09-01
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