60(P1-8) シス及びトラソス-6-アミノカルバペネム類の全合成(ポスター発表の部)
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The enantioselective synthesis of cis- and trans-6-amino-carbapenems which are highly resistant to renal dehydropeptidase I (DHP-I) is described. 1. Synthesis of trans-6-aminocarbapenems For the search of biologically more suitable N-substituents at C-6 in carbapenems, the versatile intermediate 7 was prepared from 6-APA(Scheme 1). Although 7 was tried to convert into the carbapenems(13a-13g) with acetyl or hydrogen on the nitrogen atom at C-6, the corresponding derivatives could not be obtained because of their physico-chemical instability. The total synthesis of the desired carbapenems(14h-14k) having high stability to DHP-I, was accomplished by N-methylation. In addition, the S-side chain derivatives(22a-22i) of 14i were efficiently prepared using the [2+2] cycloaddition reaction of ketene(15')-imine(16)(Scheme 2). 2. Synthesis of cis-6-aminocarbapenems In order to find out more potent 6-aminocarbapenems, cis-aminocarbapenems were synthesized using carbene insertion to the sulfide 23 as a key step. This reaction was regio- and stereoselective, and gave cis 24a as a sole product(Scheme 4). Compound 24a-2 was decarboxylated by hydrogenolysis and treated with Raney nickel to give the N-methylated and desulfurized derivative 26
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1989-09-17
渡辺 東
Mercian Corporation Central Research Laboratories
吉岡 武男
土田 外志夫
渡辺 東
千田 憲孝
刀根 弘
岡本 六郎
刀根 弘
MERCIAN Corporation, Central Research Laboratories
吉岡 武男
刀根 弘
Mercian Corporation Central Research Laboratories
土田 外志夫
千田 憲孝
千田 憲孝
岡本 六郎
- Syntheses and Biological Properties of New 8-Fluorocarbapenem Derivatives
- 60(P1-8) シス及びトラソス-6-アミノカルバペネム類の全合成(ポスター発表の部)
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- 23 Oveman転位ならびにそのカスケード反応を利用した生物活性アルカロイド類の全合成(口頭発表の部)