38 [M+Na]^+イオンの衝突活性化解裂によるセレブロシドの構造解析(口頭発表の部)
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To obtain the useful informations on the structure of minute amounts of natural glycosphingolipids, we have been developing the mass spectrometrical technique. In this time, we wish to report the usefulness of the CAD-MS/MS of [M+Na]^+ ions obtained in the (+)FABMS to the structure elucidation of the cerebrosides. First, the mechanism of the fragmentation of the [M+Na]^+ ions were discussed. The CAD-MS/MS spectra of [M+Na]^+ ions obtained in the (+)FABMS of the synthetic ceramides 1, 2, 3, and 4 were investigated (Fig. 1). No significant fragment ion was observed in the spectra of 3 and 4, on the other hand, the high intense fragment ions due to fission of the amide bond were detected in the spectra of 1 and 2 possessing 2'-OH group. It means that the conjugation of amide is spread by the neighboring 2'-OH group in 1 and 2 followed by the amide N atom becomes sp3-like, which is able to coordinate to Na^+, and therefore the amide linkage is easily cleaved by means of the formation of the five membered ring proposed as scheme 1. Next, the application of the method to the structure elucidation of the ceramide moiety of the glycosphingolipids were attempted. The prominent fragment ions originated by cleavage of amide bond were observed in CAD-MS/MS spectra of [M+Na]^+ ions appeared in the (+)FABMS of the cerebrosides 5 and 6 (Fig. 2), and which indicate that the method provide the useful information for the structures of the ceramide moieties of the cerebrosides possessing 2'-OH group without chemical degradation. Furthermore, the FAB-CAD-MS/MS method was applied to the cerebroside molecular species obtained from starfish, namely, the molecular mass and the fatty acid composition of the main constituents of the species are estimated without acid hydrolysis (Fig. 3). In addition, the method was proved to be applicable to the structure elucidation of lactosylceramide (Fig. 4).
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 1995-09-01
稲垣 昌宣
宮本 智文
樋口 隆一
磯部 隆一
流川 芳晃
菅 陽子
磯部 隆一
原野 洋一郎
流川 芳晃
菅 陽子
稲垣 昌宣
宮本 智文
樋口 隆一
崎山 博史
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