WS1-3-6 Is Oxidative Stress Associated with Prostate Cancer Risk?(Prostate Cancer)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 2008-02-20
WANG Ching
Department of Chemical Carcinogenesis, Michigan Cancer Foundation
井口 太郎
井口 太郎
Department of Urology, Osaka City University Medical School
Nakatani Tatsuya
Department of Urology, Osaka City University Medical School
Haas Gabriel
Department of Urology, SUNY Upstate Medical University
Haas Gabriel
Department Of Urology Suny Upstate Medical University
Haas Gabriel
Department Of Urology State University Of New York Health Science Center At Syracuse
Nakatani Tatsuya
Department Of Urology Osaka City University Medical School
Nakatani Tatsuya
Department Of Biochemistry Kinki University School Of Medicine
Wang Ching
Department Of Urology Suny Upstate Medical University
Wang Ching
Department Of Chemical Carcinogenesis Michigan Cancer Foundation
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- WS1-3-6 Is Oxidative Stress Associated with Prostate Cancer Risk?(Prostate Cancer)
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- Molecular Cloning and Sequencing of cDNAs Encoding Three Heavy-Chain Precursors of the Inter-.ALPHA.-Trypsin Inhibitor in Syrian Hamster: Implications for the Evolution of the Inter-.ALPHA.-Trypsin Inhibitor Heavy Chain Family.