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Earth observation images obtained by synthetic aperture radar (SAR) are utilized for making a digital elevation model and estimating ground displacement, and so on. The SAR data include both backscatter and phase information from targets. Calibration of SAR image is necessary for quantitative analysis. In this paper, a trihedral corner reflector (CR) is designed and produced in consideration of the structure, radar cross section (RCS), and use of reasonable materials. It is shown that the handling of the designed trihedral CR is easy in the case of assembling and installing this CR practically. Both the airborne SAR called Pi-SAR and the spaceborne SAR called PALSAR mounted on the Japanese satellite ALOS were employed to evaluate the RCS backscattered from the proposed CR. The observation experiments using both Pi-SAR X and L bands (Full polarimetric mode) and PALSAR (FBD 34.3 deg. HH-HV mode) were conducted in 2004 and 2007, respectively. The RCS of the deployed CRs was estimated using complex pixels in the calibrated grand range SAR images by the integral approach. In the experiment results, the difference between the estimated and the theoretical RCS indicated a small amount of error. Especially, the RCS observed by PALSAR was nearly equal to the theoretical value. It has been clarified that the designed trihedral CR has the planned performance and utility in spite of the simple structure and the small size for L band radar wave.
- 鳴門教育大学の論文
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