- 論文の詳細を見る
Numbers of computer simulatiom on ship navigation and control were presented, and various kinds of simulation models were proposed. A ship on her voyage can not be free from the influences of environmental factors. Natural conditions, i.e., wind and tidal stream, affect ship motion as external forces, and geographical or traffic conditions are important for avoidance of collision or stranding. In order to build up a practical computer simulation system for ship navigation with realistic environments, roles and effects of environmental factors were examined, and the methods to introduce these factors into the simulation were investigated. A fundamental study using a proto-type system gives successful results for simulations in Tokyo Bay. In detail the followings become clear; Electric charts by the Maritime Safety Agency is quite useful for the simulation, and water depth calculated as a mean value for about 500m square and material of the sea bottom are ready to be known by data from the Japan Ocean Data Center. When the time and position of the ship are given, wind, tidal stream and tidal level are calculated. Therefore the effects of these factors on ship motion are taken into the simulation. A method to produce a marine traffic flow based on transport data is also useful to set a realistic condition for the simulation.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1987-03-25
- 自動航行に関する一考察
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