Grain size dependence of electrical properties of Gd-doped ceria
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A Gd-doped ceria powder (GDC, Ce_<0.8>Gd_<0.2>O_<1.9>) prepared from an oxalate precursor was hot-pressed at 1173-1273 Kin Ar atmosphere and annealed in air at 1273-1473K to control the bulk density and grain size. Complex impedance of GDC of the microstructures of 0.29-5.6μm average grain size and 95-98% theoretical density were measured at 573-1073K in air in the frequency range from 100Hz to 2 MHz. The bulk conductivity (σ_i(b)) was independent of the grain size and the activation energy for the migration of oxide ions was 85-88kJ/mol. The grain boundary conductivity (σ_i(g)) was far small as compare withσ_i (b) (σ_i(g)=1/40-1/700 ofσ_i(b) at 573K). Theσ_i(g) was influenced by the average grain size and showed a minimum value at around 3μm and gradually increased with decreasing grain size. However, the total conductivity decreased for smaller grain size because of the increased thickness of grain boundary of relatively low conductivity. The information of diffusion of oxide ions from the surface into GDC inside was also reported.
- 2008-02-01
HIRATA Yoshihiro
Department of Gastroenterology, University of Tokyo
Sameshima Soichiro
Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology, and Chemical Engineering, Kagoshima University
Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology, and Chemical Engineering, Kagoshima University
松永 直樹
Faculty Of Engineering Nagasaki University
松永 直樹
Hirata Yoshihiro
Department Of Advanced Nanostructured Materials Science And Technology Kagoshima University
HARA Akihiro
Department of Advanced Nanostructured Materials Science and Technology, Kagoshima University
HORITA Teruhisa
Fuel Cell Group, Energy Electronics Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
Matsunaga Naoki
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Chemical Engineering Kagoshima University
Sameshima Soichiro
Dep. Of Chemistry Biotechnology And Chemical Engineering Kagoshima Univ.
Sameshima Soichiro
Department Of Advanced Nanostructured Materials Science And Technology Kagoshima University
Hara Akihiro
Department Of Advanced Nanostructured Materials Science And Technology Kagoshima University
Horita Teruhisa
Fuel Cell Group Energy Electronics Institute National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And T
松永 直樹
鹿児島大学大学院 理工学研究科化学生命・化学工学専攻
Matsunaga Naoki
Department Of Chemistry Biotechnology And Chemical Engineering Kagoshima University
Kagoshima University
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