Anorectal malformation associated with a perineal protrusion of the rectal mucosa : case presentation
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-09-01
Tanaka Mio
Department Of Pathology Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Tanaka Mio
Department Of Bioresource Engineering Faculty Of Agriculture Yamagata University
Honda Shohei
Department Of Cancer Diagnosis Research Institute For Clinical Oncology
Tanaka Yukichi
Department Of Pathology Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Hirata Yoshihiro
Department Of Advanced Nanostructured Materials Science And Technology Kagoshima University
Kitagawa Norihiko
Department Of Surgery Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Kitagawa Norihiko
Department Of Surgery Kanagawa Children's Medical Center (kcmc)
Ohama Yokatsu
Divisions Of Surgery Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Tanabe Hiroyasu
Department Of Surgery Kanagawa Children's Medical Center (kcmc)
Take Hiroshi
Department Of Surgery Hadano Red Cross Hospital
Shinkai Masato
Department Of Surgery Kanagawa Children's Medical Center (kcmc)
Take Hiroshi
Department Of Surgery Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Ohhama Youkatsu
Department Of Surgery Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Mochizuki Kyoko
Department Of Surgery Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Shinkai Masato
Department Of Surgery Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Honda Shohei
Department Of Surgery Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Hirata Yoshihiro
Department Of Surgery Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Department of Pathology, Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
Department of Surgery, Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
TANAKA Yukichi
Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Kanagawa Children's Medical Center
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