- 論文の詳細を見る
The optical path of radio wave propagation through the ionospheric layer is bent for the variation of refractive index in the layer. This phenomenon causes the error of the position fixing by a single channel navigation receiver in the Navy Navigation Satellite System (NNSS). This paper describes the estimate method of these positioning errors. If it is assumed that electron density of the ionospheric layer distributes uniformly from about 85km to 1, 000km over the earth, we can caluculate easily the apparent satellite position. Using this simple model of the ionospheric layer we computed errors due to ionospheric refraction at various total electron contents and counted amplitudes and directions of the position fixing errors by a single channel (400MHz) NNSS receiver without onospheric correction. These results was compared to practical positioning data. By these analyses it became clear that (1) the position fixing error due to ionospheric refraction was displayed to the west of the receiving station when the NNSS Satellite passed through on the east of the station, and to the east of the station when the NNSS Satellite passed through on the west of the station (2) its amount was about 1km in day time (total electron contents 5×10^<17> electron/m^2), about 0.2km in night (total electron contents 1×10^<17> electron/m^2) when the satellite taked peak elevations between 10° and 50° and rapidly increased when peak elevations were more than 80°.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 1974-12-25
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- ドプラソナー
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- 1. 航法システムの現状と将来
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
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