母親による子どもの自立の受容に関する研究 : 父親の家族との関わり方をめぐって
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The general purpose of this study is to clarify how the mother with an adolescent child accepts independence of her child. More specific purposes are as follows (1) what kind of effect does the father's relationship with his family have on the mother's acceptance of her child's independence? (2) what kind of feelings does the accepting mother and the less accepting mother have respectively regarding the independence of her child? (3) what kind of relationships are there between the mother's feelings toward her child and the father's relationship with his family? Main results are as follows: (1) more accepting mothers for independence of their children recognized more emotional interactions between the child and the father. (2) more accepting mothers for independence of their children trusted the growth of their children, and less accepting mothers felt loneliness toward the growth of their children. (3) when the emotional interactions between the father and the family was higher, the mothers self-involvement to her individual role was higher and her sense of loneliness toward the growth of her child was lower. Furthermore, the more the father spends time with his Family, cooperates with his wife, and has direct interactions with his child, the less sense of loneliness the mother has toward the growth of her child.
- 2002-03-31
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