- 論文の詳細を見る
The idea robot contests have been held for 12 years from 1988. The team of electrical engineering in Toyota national college of technology has participated continuously except for the 1st time. Up to now, we have sufficiently recognized the facts that so much moneys and a long times are needful for the developments of the robots. Thus, we have to suppress the loss and waste of them as less as we can. Our team has made the guidebook, which is described about how to use the electronic circuits to use anyone immediately. However, we have no knowledge about the details of mechanics, e.g., the stress/strain worked on the frame and/or body of robot. Because we are belong to the department of electronics. Therefore, we must consider the support for the mechanics to win the machine contest. In this study, we tried to use the simulation tool, which can analyze the physical phenomena applied to the robot. As the results, we found that it was powerful and useful tool for the developments and improvements of the robots.
- 豊田工業高等専門学校の論文
- 2001-11-26
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- RoboCup世界大会を経験して : 高専で培った技術力とコミュニケーション能力の集大成(学生の声〜学生のページ〜)
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