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The pulmonary route has recently attracted attention as a noninvasive administration route for peptide and protein drugs, and an insulin powder for inhalation was approved by authorities in Europe and the USA. The present study examined usefulness of insulin and gene powders for systemic and local inhalation therapy. We prepared several dry insulin powders by spray drying to examine the effect of additives on insulin absorption. Citric acid appears to be a safe and potent absorption enhancer for insulin in dry powder. However, in the powder with citric acid (MIC0.2 SD) insulin was unstable compared with the other powders examined. To improve insulin stability, a combination of insulin powder and citric acid powder was prepared (MIC Mix). MIC Mix showed hypoglycemic activity comparable to MIC0.2 SD while the insulin stability was much better than that of MIC SD. Next, dry insulin powders with mannitol were prepared with supercritical carbon dioxide (SCF) ; the powder thus prepared reduced blood glucose level rapidly and was more effective than that prepared by spray drying. Chitosan-pDNA complex powders as a pulmonary gene delivery system were also prepared with SCF and their in vivo activity was evaluated. The addition of chitosan suppressed the degradation of pCMV-Luc during preparation and increased the storage stability. The luciferase activity in mouse lung was evaluated after pulmonary administration of the powders. The chitosan-pDNA powder with an N/P ratio = 5 increased the luciferase activity to 27 times that of the pCMV-Luc solution. These results suggest that gene powder with chitosan is a useful pulmonary gene delivery system.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2007-04-01
- 新規ウニ状微粒子を用いた薬物経肺デリバリー
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- 瀋陽市近郊農村住宅におけるカンの生活様式と空間構成 : 中国東北地方の北方系居住様式に関する研究(建築計画)
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- 29-P3-62 薬学実務実習を考える : 「評価」についての事例考察(薬学教育,社会の期待に応える医療薬学を)
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- 4. 3直交代制勤務者に対する抗菌薬(メイアクト^[○!R]錠100mg)の服薬指導(一般演題,平成19年度東海地方会学会,地方会・研究会記録)
- 3. 2直交代制勤務者に対する降圧剤(アダラート^[○!R]L錠20mg)の服薬指導(一般演題,平成19年度東海地方会学会,地方会・研究会記録)
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- 被職業スティグマ意識と対処方略
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- Effect of Binder Characteristics on the Strength of Agglomerates Prepared by the Wet Method II
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- 吸入用インスリン微粒子製剤の吸収性と肺局所傷害性
- 微粒子製剤による薬物経肺デリバリー : 特集によせて
- 実用的な製剤開発をめざして
- Preparation of Dry Powder Inhalation with Lactose Carrier Particles Surface-Coated Using a Wurster Fluidized Bed
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- Preparation of Dry Powder Inhalation by Surface Treatment of Lactose Carrier Particles
- Evaluation of Flow Properties of Dry Powder Inhalation of Salbutamol Sulfate with Lactose Carrier
- Measurement of Adhesive Force between Particles of Organic Substances and Polymer Substrates by the Centrifugal Separation Method : Effect of Electrostatic Charge
- Solid-State Interaction of Ibuprofen with Polyvinylpyrrolidone
- Influence of the Molecular Weight of Binding Agents on the Physical Properties of Granules and Tablets
- Measurement of the Adhesive Force between Particles and a Substrate by Means of the Impact Separation Method. Effect of the Surface Roughness and Type of Material of the Substrate
- 特集 微粒子製剤による薬物経肺デリバリー
- 超臨界流体を利用した微粒子製剤の調製 (特集 超臨界技術の新しい応用)
- Pharmaceutical Preparations of Crude Drug Powder. III.The Effects of the Physical Properties of the Binder Solution on the Characteristics of the Granule from the Mixed Powders
- Preparation of Functional Composite Particles of Salbutamol Sulfate Using a 4-Fluid Nozzle Spray-Drying Technique
- Particle Design of Three-Component System for Sustained Release Using a 4-Fluid Nozzle Spray-Drying Technique
- Particle Design Using a 4-Fluid-Nozzle Spray-Drying Technique for Sustained Release of Acetaminophen
- Acetaminophen Particle Design Using Chitosan and a Spray-Drying Technique
- Improved Dissolution of an Insoluble Drug Using a 4-Fluid Nozzle Spray-Drying Technique
- Effect of Water Content on Sticking during Compression
- A Comparative Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Various Celluloses
- Preparation and Evaluation of a Compressed Tablet Rapidly Disintegrating in the Oral Cavity
- 生薬粉末の原料物性と製品物性との相関性
- 超臨界流体による微粒子設計 (特集 微粒子を用いた次世代医療技術と化粧品設計)
- Absorption of Ibuprofen Coated by Anhydrous Silicic Acid
- Measurement of Adhesive Force between Particles and Polymer Films
- Effect of Particle Shape on the Compaction and Flow Properties of Powders
- Measurement of the Adhesive Force between Particles of Powdered Materials and a Glass Substrate by Means of the Impact Separation Method. III. : Effect of Particle Shape and Surface Asperity
- Measurements of the Adhesive Force between Particles of Powdered Organic Substances and a Glass Substrate by Means of the Impact Separation Method. II. Effect of Addition of Light Anhydrous Silicic Acid on the Adhesive Force of Potato Starch
- 組織違反の社会心理学的分析 (特集 ヒューマンエラー)
- ヒト吸入パターンシミュレータを用いた吸入剤の吸入特性評価
- 経肺投与製剤フォーカスグループの活動について
- PS-140-2 T1,T2大腸癌における浸潤先進部低分化胞巣の臨床的意義(PS-140 大腸 発癌・悪性度-2,ポスターセッション,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-130-7 周術期化学療法導入後の大腸癌肝転移に対する手術治療成績(PS-130 大腸 集学的治療-1,ポスターセッション,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
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- PS-042-4 膵頭十二指腸切除術症例における肝動脈走行亜型 : リンパ行性進展・神経叢進展に着目した検討(PS-042 膵 診断,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-100-8 長期生存例からみた進行胆嚢癌の治療方針(PS-100 胆 悪性-4,ポスターセッション,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-005-8 胃癌腹膜播種の進展におけるSDF-1α/CXCR4 axisの関連性(PS-005 胃 基礎-1,ポスターセッション,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- PS-001-3 進行食道癌に対する胸腔鏡下食道切除術の手技と成績(PS-001 食道 鏡視下,ポスターセッション,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- SF-064-1 腹腔内微小環境下における線維化メカニズムの解明とその制御(SF-064 サージカルフォーラム(64)胃 基礎-3,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- SF-062-4 胃癌のbiomarkerとしての血清Cytokeratin18の有用性 : full-length CK(M65;total,necrosis and apoptosis)とcaspase-cleaved CK(M30;apoptosis)(SF-062 サージカルフォーラム(62)胃 基礎-1,第112回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 徐放性プロゲステロン膣坐剤─第3報:院内製剤の開発と臨床評価─
- 土-6-S14-4 臨床判断能力向上のための共有プログラム : バーチャル症例からの学び方(ファーマシューティカルケアを目指したアドバンストPBL教育,シンポジウム14,再興、再考、創ろう最高の医療の未来)
- P1-541 吸入剤の適正使用に向けた吸入パターン測定装置の応用(薬物療法(その他),ポスター,一般演題,岐路に立つ医療〜千年紀の目覚め〜よみがえれ!ニッポン!薬の改革は我らが手で!)