A Comparative Evaluation of the Mechanical Properties of Various Celluloses
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The influence of basic properties such as physicochemical or particle properties on the mechanical properties of celluloses with different average degrees of polymerization (<DP>^^^-), which included powdered α-cellulose and its degradation products as well as commercial microcrystalline celluloses, was investigated. The particle shape approached that of a sphere with a reduction in <DP>^^^-, causing an increase in flowability and a decrease in the cohesion of cellulose powders. H_<max> and γ in the Leuenberger equation, which were considered to reflect the compactibility and compressibility of powders, respectively, were higher at a lower <DP>^^^-, suggesting that the particle shape and/or crystallinity of materials affected the bonding properties of a substance in tablet preparation. The mechanical strength was estimated using the crushing test for a granule and the diametral compression test for a tablet. Crushing work, W, increased with a decrease in <DP>^^^-, which was probably due to a decrease in granule porosity. The compression behavior of granules was estimated by the static method, using the Heckel equation. The compression coefficient, K, in this equation decreased with the crushing work of a granule, thus the reciprocal of K was expected to be a measure of granule strength. The tensile strength of a tablet increased with the crushing work of a granule in the relatively high <DP>^^^- region. When the <DP>^^^- was low, the crushing work of granule was high and tablet strength tended to reach a maximum.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1997-01-15
飯田 耕太郎
壇上 和美
大塚 昭信
堀沢 栄次郎
堀沢 栄次郎
Hikone Research Laboratories, Maruho Co., Ltd.,
檀上 和美
Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University
Chen C
Meijo Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Danjo K
名城大学 薬学部
Danjo Kazumi
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
壇上 和美
IIDA Kotaro
Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University
飯田 耕太郎
Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University
Danjo K
Fac. Of Pharmacy Meijo Univ.
Iida K
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
Iida Kotaro
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
Chen Cheng
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University
OTSUKA Akinobu
Faculty of Pharmacy, Meijo University
Hikone Research Laboratories, Maruho Co., Ltd.,
Aoki Koji
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
Otsuka Akinobu
Faculty Of Pharmacy Meijo University
Otsuka Akinobu
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Meijio University
堀沢 栄次郎
Hikone Research Laboratories Maruho Co. Ltd.
Otsuka A
Meijo Univ. Nagoya Jpn
Otsuka Akinobu
Bah-der Taoyuan Hsien Taiwan Roc.
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