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Since alterations in the transmembrane potential are known to be involved in the mechanism of both excitation-contraction coupling in muscle and in stimulus-secretion coupling in non-excitable cells, several investigators indicated the possibility that a change in the membrane potential might play a role in metabolic disorder of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells (EATO. Because direct measurement of the membrane potential with microelectrodes is not feasible owing to the size of the cell, we investigated the application of an indirect method by which the transmembrane potential was determined using a lipophilic cation, TPP^+. 1. By measuring the time-dependent TPP^+ uptake, it was possible to estimate the membrane potential accurately without affecting the 0_2 uptake of the cells. 2. The TPP^+ response depended on temperature and K^+ concentration in the reaction medium. It reflected the changes in K^+ diffusion potential. 3. By this method, the resting potential was about -70mV, which is rather higher than those reported by other methods. 4. This method showed the remarkable changes in the membrane potential coupled with energy metabolism in EATC caused by glucose and also offered important informations about other metabolic parameters. 5. The depolarization in EATC parallel to its amino acid uptake was also detectable. From these evidences, the TPP^+ electrode was shown to be fairly suitable for the analysis of stimulation-response coupled with metabolic change in EATC.
- 高知大学の論文
- 1986-12-10
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