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In order to examine the existence of proteinase in the human plasma, the electrophoretic method by using polyacrylamide-gel containing SDS and substrate was adopted in this study. The proteinase-like substance in the human plasma hydrolyzed fibrinogen, gelatin and α-casein, but did not the serum albumin, the hemoglobin and γ-globulin. The fibrinogenolytic activity in the human plasma was detected in all of six healthy subjects. The activity was disappeared at 50℃ for 30min, and inhibited by 10^<-3>M DFP or anti-human plasminogen IgG. The proteinase-like substance was bound on lysine-Sepharose CL-4B and eluted with 0.2M ε-aminocaprylic acid. The examination by gel filtration induced that the fibrinolytic activity existed in the fraction corresponding to the molecular weight of 90kDa. By the immunoblotting method, a mobility of the substance was shown to be similar to that of human plasminogen. The data demonstrated that the plasmin-like proteinase activity in the human plasma was artifact something made from plasminogen.
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