ホンヤドカリPagurus geminus MCLAUGHLIN, 1976(十脚甲殻類,異尾亜目,ヤドカリ科)の後期卵発生と第1期ゾエア幼生について
- 論文の詳細を見る
Ovigerous females of the pagurid crab, Pagurus geminus were collected from October through February at intertidal rocky shore in Manazuru, Sagami Bay. An ovigerous female was kept in a glass vessel (about 500ml) for the purpose of observing the post-embryonic development of the eggs. The water temperarure during development was kept at about 18℃. The spherical eggs in gastrula stage were dark brownish in colour, and the most larvae hatched between 17 and 18 days from the gastrula. The compound eyes, the segmentation of the cephalic and thoracic appendags, and reddish chomatophores were evidently occurred at about 12-14 days. The first zoeal stge of P. geminus is briefly described and illustrated herewith. The fist zoea well agrees with that described by KURATA (1968) and KONISHI and QUINTANA (1988) in general features. The first zoea of P. geminus differs from that of P. samuelis described by MACMILLAN (1972) from California, as pointed out by MCLAUGHLIN (1976), by that the endopod of antenna is shorter than the exopod and bifurcated at the tip (in P. samulis, the endopod of antenna is almost as long as the exopod and sharply pointed distally).
- 1993-03-27
- タンバノリGrateloupia elliptica HOLMES(紅藻類)の葉状体上に生息するポルケリディウムの一種Porcellidium sp. (ハルパクチクス橈脚類,甲殻綱)の幼期について
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- ホンヤドカリPagurus geminus MCLAUGHLIN, 1976(十脚甲殻類,異尾亜目,ヤドカリ科)の後期卵発生と第1期ゾエア幼生について
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- クーマ類について(総説)
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