- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Gynodiastylis platycarpus sp. nov., (Figs. 1, 2) Type ovigerous female specimen (length, 3.9mm): The carapace is smooth and nearly one-third as long as the total length of animal and as long as the length of all the free thoracic segments and first two abdominal segments together. The width of carapace is about five-eighths as long as its length and wider than its depth. The ocular lobe is one-half as long as its width and has no eyes. The pseudorostrum is about one-fifth as long as the length of carapace. The antero-lateral and lateral or lower borders are convex and the antennal notch is obsolete. The first joint of peduncle of antennule is about as long as second and third combined. The second is a little shorter than the third. The main flagellum is three jointed. The distal joint is small and furnished with two long aesthetases. The three jointed accessory flagellum is slightly more than one-half as long as the main flagellum. The basis of third maxilliped without an exopod is a little shorter than the remaining distal joints together. The dactylus is a little less than the propodus. The basis of first peraeopod with an exopod is much shorter than the remaining distal joints together (about as long as the combined length of next distal four joints). The carpus with menbraneous lamella on the inner border is stout and one-third as wide as its length, which is twice as long as the propodus and longer than twice as long as the merus. The propodus is broad and provided with about seven subequal long setae. The basis of second peraeopod is longer than the remaining distal joints together and about one-third as wide as its length. The third to fifth peraeopods are all approximately the same size. The basis of third and fourth peraeopods is nearly as long as the next distal two joints combined and longer than one-half as long as the remaining distal joints together. The basis of fifth peraeopod is as long as the next distal two joints combined and one-half as long as the remaining distal joints together. The spindle-shaped telson is one-half as long as the sixth abdominal segment and furnished with five lateral spines, two lateral hairs and two terminal spines. The peduncle of uropod is twice as long as the telson and longer than the subequal rami. The endopod is three jointed. Each of the first two joints has spinules and a terminal spine on the inner border. The distal joint has spinules on the inner border and two terminal spines. The exopod has a terminal short seta. Remarks: The new species is very closely related to G. laevis GALMAN (CALMAN, '11), G. hartmeyeri ZIMMER, G. similis ZIMMER (ZIMMER, '14), G. ambigua HALE, G. attenuata HALE, G. subtilis HALE, G. carinirostris HAEL, G. truncatifrons HALE and G. polita HALE (HALE, '46). These may be easily distinguished from the new species as follows: In G. laevis, G. ambigua and G. attenuata the propodus of first peraeopod is furnished with short unequal setae; the carpus of first peraeopod of the new species is much wider than that of G. hartmeyeri, G. similis, G. subtilis, G. carinirostris, G. truncatifrons and G. polita. Occurrence: 3♀ (ovigerous, 1♀ type specimen), 4♀, fine sandy bottom, depth about 20m, off Manazuru, June 26, 1956: 1♀, the same locality, June 19, 1957; 1♀, the same locality, June 26, 1957. 2. Gynodiastylis rotundicaudatus sp. nov., (Fig. 3, 4) Type female specimen (length, about 4.4mm): The carapace is smooth, about one-third as long as the total length of animal and nearly as long as the length of all the free thoracic segments and first two abdominal segments together. The width of carapace is about four-sevenths as long as its length and a little wider than its depth. The ocular lobe with no apparent eyes is slightly wider than twice as long as its length. The pseudorostrum is a slightly less than one-fourth as long as the length of carapace. The antennal notch with rounded antero-lateral corner is obsolete. The lateral or lower border is a litt
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1961-04-15
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- クーマ類について(総説)
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