- 論文の詳細を見る
An article entitled "Microwave can seriously damage your health" in the November, 1988, issue of New Scientist suggested that caution be taken when conducting chemical research using a kitchen microwave oven. However it lacked information about any specific phenomena found by researchers. The July 10, 1989, issue of Newsweek similarly quoted a stern but vaguely supported warning entitled "An Electromagnetic Storm" by Paul Brodeur of "the New Yorker". For three years since 1987 we have conducted studies, using research-aid funds from the Ministry of Education, on the effects of microwaves on Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila virilis using home-use microwave cookers (output power: 550 W at 2.45 GHz). We found that distinct mutants of the phenotype occurred on the wings of both species. This was reported by Tonomura and Shima in 1986 and by Ohno, Shima, and Tonomura in 1988. In D. melanogaster, the gene locus is on the X-chromosome; we succeeded in system preservation in the laboratory (Fig. 1). In this experiment, we have focused our efforts on: 1) establishing whether microwaves are mutagens of mutants; 2) whether the mutants are caused by microwaves or by the effects of the heat shock the microwaves produce, and 3) a preliminary experiment under a magnetic field. The item 1) was previously investigated by Fujikawa et al. in 1984 using wing-hair-spot tester stocks. Third-instar larvae of the F_1 mwh+/+flr mated with recessive maker genes, 24-hour old pupae, and 72-hour old pupae were used to detect somatic mutations of the mutagen. Table 1 shows the results of the experiment. Wing-hair-spots occurred at a high frequency after 24 hours in younger pupae in the five-second region; this indicates that the mutagen is positive (Table 1). The somatic mutation of a mutagen is known to be induced, since pupae with a shorter exposure to microwaves have a higher chance of growing to adults. This suggests that the mutagen is not observed because the damage due to exposure is greater on pupae with longer exposure. Abnormal wings without a wing vein at the terminal end of 4th and 5th longitudinal veins are observed in adult flies of pupae that have been exposed to microwaves (Fig. 2). 2) In order to establish the relation between the abnormalites of the wings and the effects of the heat shock induced by microwaves, chemical research was conducted using the electrophoresis method and puffing on the third-instar larvae's salivary-gland chromosome. Kishi found that Drosophila has two protein bands labeled in the molecular-weight region of 300,000. Flies with an abnormal phenotype caused by exposure to microwaves have only one band, those with a normal phenotype have two bands, but one of them is less conspicuous than the other (Fig. 3). This is contrary to the report by Yura (1986) which suggested that a temporarily synthesized protein due to a high temperature is induced during an experiment using Escherichia coli and that the synthesis of three types of proteins is accelerated temporarily; this results were confimed by the one-dimensional electrophoresis method. These findings indicate that the abnormal wings are not caused only by the exposure to microwaves. Ritossa (1962) and Ashburner (1970) reported that a total of nine new puffs were induced on each chromosome arm of the salivary glands of third-instar larvae after they had been fed for 40 min. at 37℃ (Fig. 4). Our experiment confirmed the existence of similar puffs on the light arm of the third chromosome at 30-second and 60-second exposures with microwaves of 2.45 GHz and at an output power of 500 W (high). The other puffs, however, were not identical with the earlier findings (Fig. 5). The puffs were analyzed using the Chromosome Image Analyzing System (CHIAS) (Fig. 6); the types of puffs and the chromosome aberrations need to be clarified in the future. Through experiments using electrophoresis and puffing on chromosomes, however, we have come to consider that microwaves exert "heat" and "α" in addition to their characteristic effects. A paper cup filled with 100ml of water is placed in the center of a microwave cooker, and microwaves with output powers of 500 W (high) and 200 W (low) are radiated for 30 and 60 seconds respectively. From the results of the analysis (Fig. 7), Suzuki concluded that the exact effect of microwaves excluding heat may be ascertained by radiating microwaves for a very short period of time (five to 10 seconds). 3) We have conducted a preliminary experiment on the magnetic field using the magnetic-field generator (Fig. 8) in the Physics Department of the University of Osaka with the following method. Pupae one-day old or less of D. melanogaster and D. virilis are placed in a container covered with mesh and subjected to 10,000 gauss for 8 hours and 16 hours using a tesla. The dercease in the ratio of emergence, the occurrence of abnormal wings, and the results of the expermental mating of flies are similar to the results of exposure to microwaves (Tables 2 and 3). However, an interesting phenomenon was found in this experiment. When the subject region was placed in the room where the magnetic-field generator was located, abnormal wings that lacked the terminal end of the 4th and 5th longitudinal veins occurred 22 percent more often than in those placed in the experimental region (Table 4). Other abnormal wings were found outside the experimental region (Fig. 9). This suggests that the magnetic field has a significant effect. We propose to make further research on a static magnetic field based On the above findings in addition to our research involving microwaves.
- 東京女子大学の論文
- 1990-03-15
島 利雄
鈴木 勝裕
岸 政美
佐々木 正巳
岸 政美
岸 政美
鈴木 勝裕
- 98.電磁環境特にマイクロ波のショウジョウバエの生体におよぼす影響 : 続報
- 7)電磁環境のクロショウジョウバエの生体に与える影響(無線技術研究会(第133回))
- 電磁環境のクロショウジョウバエの生体に与える影響 : さなぎの高電界暴露
- 亜鉛滓を用いたZn-Mn-Al-O系スピネル固溶体の作製とNTC特性
- 6)衛星放送受信用平面型およびパラボラアンテナの積雪寒冷地における特性比較(無線技術研究会)
- 衛星放送受信用平面型およびパラボラアンテナの積雪寒冷地における特性比較
- アダプティブアレイを用いたテレビジョン信号の混信波抑圧に関する検討
- LMSアダプティブアレイアンテナを用いたテレビジョン信号の混信波抑圧
- 地上系テレビジョン信号仲介による周波数の精密遠隔比較
- 6)テレビ回線を利用した標準周波数の全国供給(無線技術研究会(第111回))
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- テレビジョン信号を利用した周波数の精密遠隔比較
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- 新型マイクロ波エンジンの作動特性
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- FM-CWマイクロ波システムで観測された積雪の層構造 : 1985年に石狩当別で実施された野外実験
- 電磁環境のクロショウジョウバエの生体におよぼす影響-3-サナギに対する照射について
- 12)電磁環境におけるショウジョウバエの生態学的研究(II)(無線技術研究会(第113回))
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- 電磁環境におけるショウジョウバエの生態学的研究(II)
- 電磁環境のクロショウジョウバエの生体におよぼす影響
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- B-2-30 電波ホログラフィ法を用いた携帯品検査装置に関する研究(B-2.宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス)
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- Lバンド合成開口レーダを利用した積雪の深さと密度の推定
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- 88.電磁環境特にマイクロ波や磁場のショウジョウバエの生体におよぼす影響
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- 動物園内飼育水槽の水質浄化
- Purification for the Quality of Colored River Water Originated in Peat Soil
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- 札幌近郊湖沼の水質因子が鉄の腐食に及ぼす影響
- 酸性雨,酸性雪および融雪水の紫外吸収スペクトルによる水質評価
- Physico-Chemical Properties of the Forest Soil of River Basins on Rebun Island
- 礼文島水源林流域森林土壌の理化学特性について
- Behavior of Exchangeable Cations of Potassium-,Copper-,Cobalt- Montmorillonites by Heat Treatment
- Physical and Chemical Properties of China Medical Stone
- 続・青函トンネル発生泥の理化学特性とその利用--水質浄化剤,抗菌剤およびタ-ル系油成分洗浄剤としての利用
- Adsorption Characteristics of Heavy Metal (Cu^2+,Co^2+) Ammonium Salts by K- Montmorillonite
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- 青函トンネル発生汚泥による小樽運河水の水質浄化研究
- 19 モンモリロナイトによるCu^イオンの吸着及びEDTAによる脱着
- 78.マイクロ波のショウジョウバエの生体におよぼす影響
- 着雪によるパラボラアンテナの劣化特性
- 72.電磁環境がショウジョウバエの成体におよぼす変化 : 電子レンジの照射について-(予報)
- 電磁環境におけるショウジョウバエの生態学的研究-4-蛹の出力電圧とマイクロ波照射
- 衛星搭載MSRを利用した積雪観測に関する研究
- 可搬型FM-CWマイクロ波レーダの開発
- 多周波マイクロ波放射計の観測値を用いた積雪パラメータの推定
- 層構造を持つ積雪を観測した場合に得られるInSARデータの理論的解析
- 多周波マイクロ波放射計の観測データから積雪の深さと粒径を推定する手法の開発
- 層構造を持つ積雪を観測した場合に得られるInSARデータの理論的解析
- 多周波マイクロ波放射計の観測データから積雪の深さと粒径を推定する手法の開発
- INSARを利用した積雪深の計測
- 降雪地域における車線維持システムの検討 : 電波到来方向推定による車両位置検出・基礎実験
- 降雪地域における車線維持システムの検討とそのシステム実現のための電波到来方向推定実験(映像メディアおよび一般インターネット,デジタル放送,マルチメディア,三次元画像,視覚と画質評価,ITS等)
- 降雪地域における車線維持システムの検討とそのシステム実現のための電波到来方向推定実験
- 降雪地域における車線維持システムの検討とそのシステム実現のための電波到来方向推定実験
- タイムドメインリフレクトメータによる積雪センシング
- 電磁環境がショウジョウバエの生体におよぼす影響-5-マイクロ波照射の蛹から発生したハエの翅の奇形について
- ADEOS-II搭載マイクロ波放射計を利用した積雪観測
- 多周波マイクロ波放射計の観測値を用いた積雪パラメータの推定
- 4)積雪観測におけるINSAR利用の可能性についての考察(〔放送方式研究会 無線・光伝送研究会〕合同)
- 積雪観測におけるINSAR利用の可能性についての考察
- 積雪含水率計の開発
- JERS-1,ERS-1搭載SARにより観測される積雪の散乱特性
- 衛星搭載合成開口レ-ダによる積雪のリモ-トセンシング
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