スルファミン酸共存量によるバリウムーストロンチウム 硫酸塩混晶の生成
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In the presence of the various concentration of sulfamic acid, the pure sulfates and mixed sulfates of barium and strontium are precipitated by means of the kinetically controlled precipitation (KCP) reaction using a hydrolysis of the sulfamic acid. The amount of sulfamic acid is used from equimolar to sufficiently excess against the amount of barium and strontium ions. Strontium sulfate of the mixed precipitates in case of the simultaneous reaction rather decreases at the initial stage of reaction compared with the singie react1on, but increases at the Iater stage of react1on, that is promoted to the prec1pitation reaction of strontium sulfate by the precipitate of barium sulfate formed during the initial stage of reaction (Figs. 3 and 7). And then, the rate of increase of precipitation is growed in inverse proportion to the amount of strontium ion. The heterogeneous distribution coefficients (λ) of barium-strontium mixed sulfates in the presence of the various concentration of sulfamic acid, are also determined by the use of the several methods of analysis. The results obtained in the adove methods are shown in Figs. 10 and 11 in which the relations between λ, and the fraction of residual and deposited precipitations of barium sulfate and strontium sulfate in the reaction mixture are given. It is noted that mutual relationship between A and fraction are easily obtained by the use of figures.
- 山形大学の論文
- 1976-02-20
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