- 論文の詳細を見る
There are lots of methods for the purifications of chemical reagents. The maximum allowable quantities and analytical procedures for various impurities in chemical reagents are prescribed in the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS), respectively. It is not so easy, however, to determine a large number of impurities in a limited time by an ordinary analytical procedures In the previous reports, the rapid semiquantitative spectrographic procedures were progressed for the determinations of microquantities of iron and lead in the various chemical reagents which are on the market. In the present report, copper was checked as an impurity in the chemical reagents. For the spectrographlic determination of microquantity of copper in chemical reagents, the samples were dissolved in water. Metallic samples were treated with a diluted nitric acid and dissolved in water. The solution prepared was added to the carbon electrode as a supporting electrode. The electrodes were excited by the spark method. The addition of the sample solution and the spectrographic excitation were repeated for three times. The procedures above are the same as the previous report's. For the rapid semiquantitative spectrographic determination of copper, the suitable wave lengths of copper were 3273.96A, 2246.99A and 2369.88A, etc. It was also investigated that the simultaneous determinations of copper and lead in chemical reagents, and the foreign substances for the described method.
- 山形大学の論文
- 1964-12-25
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