- 論文の詳細を見る
Chemical reagents are graded as a special, first or second classes by the Japanese Industrial Standard, JIS. The maximum allowable quantities of various impurities in chemical reagents are prescribed in the Japanese Industrial Standard, respectively. These impurities considered are chlorine, iron, sulfate, lead, nitrate, arsenic, Phosphate, ammonium, nitrogen, copper, carbonate, calcium, aluminum etc. In this report iron was checked as an impurity in the reagents. For the grading of a chemical reagent according to the Japanese Industrial Standard, all the microquantities of foreign impurities in the reagent must be determined respectively. It Is not so easy to determine a iarge number of impurities in a limited time by an ordinary analytical procedures. By the instrumental analysis, however, the main difficulties in the microdeterminations of total impurities in the reagent are cleared easily. For a rapid analysis, a few troubles remain still in the ordinary instrumental analysis, that is, a preparation of a investigating curve, etc. The spectrographic analysis was used to clear away the difficulties. First of all, a relationship between a concentration of iron in the standard sample and the spectrum obtained was investigated under the define condition. An appearance or a disappearance of the spectrum lines of iron were checked for various concentrations of iron in the samples, metallic zinc, sodium sulfate, or aluminum sulfate. From the results of the experiments, the suitable lines to be used for estimating concentrations of iron was selected as the grading lines. These spectrum lines of iron are also used for grading of various reagents acording to the Japanese Industrial Standard. The microquantity, 0.001 % of iron, was determind speedily by using the described relationship. An accuracy of the method was 10 %.
- 山形大学の論文
- 1963-03-20
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