- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, 48 mammectomy patients and 41 hysterectomy patients were surveyed by questionnaire regarding their feminine image, medical treatment, recognition of illness and stress coping behavior. The Differences in the feminine images between the two groups and factors that affect the feminine image are discussed. Hysterectomy patient expressed rather positive feminine image compared with that expressed by mammectomy patients. This is because breast cancer requires longer postoperative medical treatment than uterine cancer and the mammectomy patient is conscious of the loss of her breast at all times. Factors that affect the mammectomy patients' feminine image are the recognition of illness and the lapse of time after surgery. These patients who underwent survey within the past one year and those who were treated more than two years but less then three years ago have a dark image. These periods coincide with the periods during which patients most storongly feel the menace of recurrence and metastasis. The factor that contributed most to mammectomy patients' image a negative feminine was chemotherapy and the factor that contributed to a positive image in those patients' was their occupations. In the mammectomy group, those who behaved positively did not always have a positive image and those who behaved negatively did not always have a negative image. It is considered the reason for the former results is that patients cannot successfully cope with the fear of cancer using varied coping behaviors and that the patients' feminine identity is always endangered.
- 群馬大学の論文
- 1997-03-31
伊藤 善一
新井 治子
廣町 佐智子
伊藤 善一
新井 治子
廣町 佐智子
群馬大学 保健
廣町 佐智子
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