- 論文の詳細を見る
This study sought to clarify the temporal changes caused through erosion processes and runoff processes of rainwater, and the resulting sediment discharge; along with factors governing them on slopes made up of volcanic ash caused by volcanic activities on Sakurajima volcano, and on slopes made up of volcanic ash and pyroclastic flow deposits caused by volcanic activities on Unzen volcano. Moreover, the effects of revegetation on the processes of rainwater and sediment discharge were examined. In chapter one, the author reviewed past studies, and the purpose of this study. In chapter two, the author investigated the effects of volcanic ash on runoff processes, the area contributing to the occurrence of Hortonian overland flow, and sediment yield and discharge caused by sheet erosion on Sakurajima volcano. Results of analyses using a runoff model show that ash-covering caused a decrease of rainfall loss and Manning's coefficient of roughness, and an increase of the area contributing to the occurrence of Hortonian overland flow, surface runoff and sediment discharge. The area contributing to the occurrence of Hortonian overland flow, the infiltration capacity and Manning's coefficient of roughness have been increased by the armoring of the surface layer of volcanic ash. In chapter three, the author investigated the effects of revegetation on the occurrence of Hortonian overland flow and surface erosion processes on Sakurajima volcano. It was found that sediment discharge on revegetated slopes was much less than that on bare land slopes. The infiltration capacity and Manning's coefficient of roughness were increased by incremental plant cover and plant body weight. Moreover, results of analyses using a runoff model and a sediment discharge formula showed that revegetation caused a decrease of the area contributing to the occurrence of Hortonian overland flow. In chapter four, the author investigated the temporal changes of runoff processes of debris flows, which followed the pyroclastic flows observed from 1995 to 2000 along the Mizunashi River at Unzen volcano. Temporal changes of the runoff process of debris flows following eruptions were examined using a runoff model. The results showed that the roughness coefficient, rainfall loss, infiltration capacity and the area contributing to the occurrence of Hortonian overland flow are important factors for the reproduction of the runoff processes of debris flows. Occurrence frequency and magnitude of debris flows have decreased since volcanic activity ended because of the recovery of the infiltration capacity, a decrease in frequency and magnitude of Hortonian overland flow, and a decrease of the area contributing to the occurrence of Hortonian overland flow. In chapter five, the author investigated the temporal changes in the Yue River caused through the processes of erosion and sediment discharge that followed the eruption of Unzen volcano. Temporal changes in the processes involved in the debris flows that followed the eruption were recreated by constructing a runoff model for the Mizunashi river basin at Unzen volcano.
- 2005-12-01
- 桜島のクロマツ林斜面における表面侵食による土砂生産と噴火活動の影響
- シラス斜面の崖錐崩壊に関する水文観測
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- 2005年9月台風14号による土砂災害
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- Damage caused by typhoon Nabi to slopes bordering forest roads in the Takakuma Experimental Forest,Kagoshima University,in September 2005
- Slope failures and movement of driftwoods caused by typhoon Nabi in the Nakamata River Basin in Kagoshima Prefecture,Tarumizu City,in September,2005
- Temporal change in sediment yield from gully erosion on the flank of the Saido River basin on Mount Sakurajima
- 桜島の引ノ平川流域と西道川流域における噴火活動の影響度の違いによる降灰の堆積状況および侵食速度の比較
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- 「気候変動などにより生じる新たな砂防の課題」(その1)
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- Impact of revegetation on infiltration capacity and surface roughness on hill slopes of Mt. Unzen
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- 桜島の噴火活動の盛衰が表面侵食土砂量と植生の生長量に及ぼす影響
- Distribution and physical properties of volcanic ash on the northern flank of Mount Sakurajima
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- 鹿児島大学高隈演習林の森林流域における25年間の流況変化
- 5.地震による斜面崩壊ハザードマップ(特集記事 自然災害防止・軽減のためのリモートセンシング技術の可能性)
- 1997年鹿児島県北西部地震による斜面崩壞の分布と地形的特性
- 1997年鹿児島県北西部地震による斜面崩壊
- 2010年(平成22年)7月鹿児島県南大隅町で発生した連続土石流災害
- 1. 桜島における表面流の観測
- 3. 姶良カルデラの周辺山地流域における侵食と土砂生産
- 火砕流堆積物および火山灰に覆われた雲仙普賢岳山腹斜面における表面流出
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- 火山灰被覆に伴う侵食と土砂流出
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- 桜島の噴火活動の盛衰に伴う雨水・土砂流出量の変化
- 桜島の噴火活動が植生の生長と侵食速度に及ぼす影響
- 桜島の荒廃斜面における表面流および土砂流出観測結果の検討
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- 桜島の荒廃斜面における表面侵食による土砂流出と植生の影響
- シラス台地における水文地質ボーリング調査
- 桜島における緑化植生が雨水および土砂流出に及ぼす影響
- 火山灰散布を行った桜島荒廃斜面における雨水・土砂流出
- 鹿児島大学農学部附属高隈演習林における降雨資料(2000〜2002年)
- シラス地域の水文地形とシラス斜面崖錐部の崩壊
- 4. 屋久島土面川流域における降雨資料(1991〜1999年)
- 3. 鹿児島大学農学部附属高隈演習林気象報告(1999年)
- 2. 鹿児島大学農学部附属高隈演習林における降雨資料(1999年)
- 1. 屋久島土面川流域の降雨・流出特性
- 3. 鹿児島大学農学部附属高隈演習林気象報告(1998年)
- 南九州の火山地域における崩壊の水文地形学的検討
- 6. 鹿児島大学農学部附属高隈演習林気象報告(1996年)
- 2. 桜島における土石流河川の流出特性
- Geomorphological features and prediction of potential sites for deep-seated landslides on Wanitsuka Mountain, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan
- 2007年7月の台風4号に伴い鹿児島大学附属高隈演習林で発生した林道法面の崩壊と土石流
- 2005年9月の台風14号に伴い垂水市で発生した斜面崩壊の分布と特徴
- 広葉樹林で覆われた桜島の荒廃斜面における噴火活動の衰退に伴う表面侵食土砂量の変化
- マツ枯れ後における海岸林の回復と飛砂