Posttraumatic Growth(外傷後成長)を促すものは何か : 変容過程に視点を置いて
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This work focused on the process of posttraumatic growth (PTG) by interviewing 10 college students. Participants experienced the following factors during the process after traumatic event that may contribute to posttraumatic growth (PTG): distress, reminding, social support, relocation to safe environment, action oriented coping, positive re-interpretation, time passages. Results also aroused a new hypothesis: a different type of event may lead to a different type of PTG. Reminding may mediate between distress and PTG. Appreciation may mediate between social support and PTG( Relating to others and New possibilities). Confidence due to successful result may mediate between action oriented coping and personal growth. Cognitive processing encouraged PTG and Wisdom; however, PTG was a response to all three parts of questions and may suggest another question about PTG. Does PTG overlap among cognitive processing, posttraumatic growth (PTG), and wisdom?
- 長崎ウエスレヤン大学の論文
- 2006-03-31
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